The information on this page exclusively distinguishes Natacha Poggio’s scholarship work that has been subjected to peer-reviewed evaluation. See Scholarship Dissemination for a complete list of all presentations (refereed/non-refereed).
- Poggio, Natacha. “Design for Inclusion Today,” International Conference on Design for Inclusion affiliated with Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics; July 27-31, 2016, Orlando, FL.
{Peer-reviewed Abstract Presentation; unable to attend} - Poggio, Natacha. “Design Collaborations: Catalysts for Inclusion and Social Impact,” 6th MX Design Conference 2015 on Inclusive/Universal Design, Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City, October 28–30, 2015.
{Peer-reviewed Abstract Presentation; unable to attend} - Poggio, Natacha. “Design for Accessibility: Beyond the Classroom, into the World,” 4th International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare, an affiliated of International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics; July 29, 2015, Las Vegas, NV.
{Peer-reviewed Abstract Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Spark Collaborations: Design as Catalyst for Social Impact,” Design Incubation Colloquium 2.0, City College of New York, CUNY, June 3, 2015.
{Peer-reviewed Abstract Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha; Veneri, Diana. “Prosthetic Training Across Borders: Design Beyond the Classroom, Into the World.” Abstract accepted for an article for the Special issue of Visible Language Journal on Design for Health and Medicine.
{Paper under-review} - Poggio, Natacha. “Intersections in Social Change.” Abstract accepted for panel session proposal at AIGA New Ventures: Intersections in Design Education, Portland, OR, Sept. 11-13, 2014.
{Peer-reviewed Panel Presentation and Moderation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Crafting “mementos” out of our products and designed experiences,” Emotional Design and Product Longevity session at the 2nd International Conference on Affective and Pleasurable Design, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, July 19-23, 2014.
{Peer-reviewed Paper Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Design Global Change: The Power of Ideas to Move People” at the Design Studies Forum: Locating the Design Commons session, College Art Association 99th Annual Conference, New York, NY, February 10, 2011.
{Peer-reviewed Panel Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Diseño para el Cambio Global, Agente de Cambio Social.” 5° Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño, Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 27, 2010.
{Peer-reviewed Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Designers as active citizens and interpreters.” Championing Human Rights Conference, University of Texas-Pan American, McAllen, TX, November 20, 2008.
{Peer-reviewed Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Using Web 2.0 tools in design communication to engage students in social activism.” Aggiornamento, Mid-America College Art Association (MACAA) Biennial Conference, Herron School of Art & Design, Indianapolis, IN, October 15, 2008.
{Peer-reviewed Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Using Web 2.0 tools to engage students in social activism through design communication.” Still Blazing the Trail and Meeting New Challenges in the Digital Age, MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) 8th International Conference, Minneapolis, MN. August 9, 2008.
{Peer-reviewed Presentation}
- Poggio, Natacha. “Design for Inclusion Today,” International Conference on Design for Inclusion affiliated with Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics; July 27-31, 2016, Orlando, FL.
Lawson, Cynthia; Poggio, Natacha. “From engagement to Impact in Design Education.” LearnxDesign. Third International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Chicago, IL. June 28–30, 2015. pp.518–534.
{Peer-reviewed Paper Presentation}
- Poggio, Natacha. “The new design paradigm: designers as change agents.” MX2011 4th International Design Conference: Diseño sin Fronteras (Design Without Borders) Universidad IberoAmericana, México City, México, October 28, 2011. pp.180–184.
{Peer-reviewed Paper Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “The new design paradigm: students as change agents.” Stir Symposium, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 8, 2011. pp.37–43.
{Peer-reviewed Paper Presentation and Roundtable Discussion}
- Poggio, Natacha. “Designing Socially Responsible Engaged-Learning Strategies” during the “Connections Between Peace and Justice, Social Responsibility, and International Education” fair at the 66th NAFSA: Association of International Educators Annual Conference in San Diego, California, May 29, 2014.
{Peer-reviewed Poster Presentation} - Poggio, Natacha. “Enlivening the Past: Design as Storytelling (at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center)” Art Beyond Sight: Multimodal approaches to learning International Conference, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, October 16, 2009.
{Peer-reviewed Poster Presentation}
- Poggio, Natacha. “Designing Socially Responsible Engaged-Learning Strategies” during the “Connections Between Peace and Justice, Social Responsibility, and International Education” fair at the 66th NAFSA: Association of International Educators Annual Conference in San Diego, California, May 29, 2014.